14 FEBRUARY 1891, page 3

Sir George Birdwood Published On Wednesday A Long Letter In

the Times, in which, amidst much that is fanciful, there is much of social and even political interest. He says that, aLecording to the " Rewa. Purana," the special sanctity of......

The Returns Of The Prosecutions Under The Irish Crimes .act

for the year 1890 show how very mild and how very effective that much-reviled Act has been. There were in all .530 persons proceeded against, of whom 139 were discharged. Of the......

The Financial Credulity Of Some Classes On The Continent Has

'no limit. A few years since, half Naples was robbed by a swindler who offered 48 per cent,for deposits ; and this week a man named Berneau, who traded as V. Mac6 and Co., has......

An Interesting Account Is Given In The Paris Letter Of

Wednesday's Daily News, of M. Lippmann's discovery of a mode of photographing colours, which, however, ho has as yet only got as far as applying to the photography of bands of......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (2) weTo on Friday 971 to 971.......

Sir Roper Lethbridge Read An Interesting Paper At The...

of Arts on Wednesday, on the proposed channel tunnel between Ireland and Great Britain. The most hopeful route he held to be the one from the Island Magee, north-east by east,......

Mr. Radcliffe Cooke, M.p., The Author Of An Amusing Pamphlet

on " Four Years with Hard Labour" in the House of Commons, writes to the Times of Tuesday a letter in which he expresses, first, his perfect belief in the loyalty of Roman......

The Police Believe That The Whitechapel Murders...

the Ripper" have commenced again, after a cessation of seventeen months, the last, or seventh, having occurred on September 10th, 1889. At 2.15 a.m. on Friday, the body of 'a......

The Tithe Rent-charge Bill Has At Last Passed The House.

of Commons, and if the Lords are prudent, may be regarded as past its perils. It does not settle all the great issues in- volved, and the Welsh Members maintain that it will do......