14 FEBRUARY 1936, page 19

Britain, Scandinavia And The Nazis

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—While agreeing with much of Professor Bentwich's brief analysis in your issue of January 31st, I suggest that he claims too much for......

• Aunt Eudora And The Poets

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, --It seems sensible to offer you my reactions to Mr. Sassoon's article of January 31st. against various recent poets, as I am one of the......

Italy And Britain

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your issue of January 31st a letter appears under the signature of Mr. G. H. Crichton, a one-time member of this Institute. As the......

The School-leaving Age

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sat,--Your article on this subject in your issue of February 7th, asks the question " Could any voter have supposed that the raising would not......

. [to The Editor Of Tile Sceet,vroa.]

SIR,—There are some statements in the second letter signed Patricia Gilbert-Lodge which do not seem to me altogether accurate. (1) The writer says in regard to - Christianity......