14 FEBRUARY 1998, page 23

The Comfort Of Oz

Sir: Michael Kaufman (Letters, 7 February) holds the romantic view of his country: `Australia has a small population which needs to be on constant alert in a very harsh......

The Welsh John

Sir: Sian is merely a Welsh form of the pop- ular Christian name John (Shared opinion, 7 February). There is no T in the Welsh alphabet. `Si' is its substitute and is pro-......

The Man For The Job

Sir: I was surprised by, and saddened to read, the misleading article by Joseph Fin- klestone, 'A woman scorned' (7 February). The election of a senior rabbi to West Lon- don......

Mother Knew Best

Sir: Frank Johnson (Shared opinion, 7 February) claims to be baffled by the phrase 'She's no better than she ought to be.' If, as he says, his own mother was not troubled by......

High On Honeydew

Sir: David Welch in his lovely Diary piece (31 January) refers to the unfortunate exu- dation of aphids. This is properly known as honeydew, and has strange hallucinatory......

Letters Bbc Business

Sir: Any business with a public policy dimen- sion will draw on skills also used in govern- ment (13BC launches new Labour channels', 7 February). Broadcasting is no exception.......