14 JANUARY 1928, page 17

The Rejected Prayer Book

[To the Editor of the , . „ . . SIR, — Many of us have much sympathy with those who opposed' the new Prayer Book in the Houk of Commons, although We should hm , e voted against......

English Music . Festival In Prague [to The Editor Of

the SpEcrivroa.1 Sin,—The opening lines of Mr. Basil Maine's account of the above, in your issue of December 24th, are likely to create an • entirely false impression concerning......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

venture to think that, in your leading article on " Parl- lament and the Prayer Book," you rather misconceived the causes that led to the rejection of the Measure. Its advocates......

Fox-hunting [to The Editor Of The Sreetatort.1 Sir,—on...

of fox-hunting ; one of your correspon- dents drew a comparison between it and bull fighting, and it recalled an old hunting song to me that we often - sang after " mess " fifty......