14 JULY 1877, page 15


THE MELANCHOLY OCEAN. "Far off, amid the melancholy main."—MuiroN. "Inhabiting an island washed by a melancholy ocean." — Vivian Grey. Ou! the salt Atlantic breezes, How they......

Religious Tendencies In Scotland.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] Sin,—In noticing a paper by me in the Contemporary Review, on what is styled" The Religious Upheaval in Scotland" on Saturday last, you say......

Mr. Maurice And Sir E. Strachey.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —I have no claim to speak from any special knowledge of the opinions of the late Mr. Maurice, for whose character, indeed, have always......

The English Church And The Confessional.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR.1 'Sin,—Please permit a constant reader of the Spectator to offer a few remarks on your deeply interesting article on "The Church of England and......