13 JULY 1944, page 12

Letters To The Editor

THE GERMAN PEOPLE SIR, —In your issue of July 7th Miss Rathbone reverts to the old device that those who know and tell the inside story of Germany are "a gift for Goebbels.'......

Sir,—miss Rathbone's Letter Reminds Me Of A Conversation...

with an ex-schoolmaster during my last visit to Germany—in 1938. This man —he was not a Jew—had four sons Who had suffered many things owing to their refusal to join the Hitler......

World Air Police

Sta,—I would like to add my opinions on World Air Police to those Mr. Spaight and Mr. Reiss. It seems to me that there is some confusi between W.A.P. and Surely it will be......

Sir,—both Your Contributor Mr. Spaight And Your...

ate of the opinion that any attempt to form an integrat International Air Force, as distinct from a force composed of units co tributed by national air forces, will not secure......

Sir,—the Paramount Duty Of The United Nations To The World

and to future generations is not merely to destroy the German fighting machine . but to frustrate effectively the ensuing underground movement, already reliably reported to be......