14 MARCH 1829, page 2

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—The transactions of this week in our Stock Market have been so comparatively few and uninteresting, that a very few wards will suffice to......

News Of The Week.

A LIVELY scene occurred in the House of Lords last night ; when the Earl of ELDON moved for some returns, calculated to show that few Catholics had taken the oath of allegiance......

Saturday, Two O'clock.

We have received Lisbon Gazettes to the 27th ult.. They con- tain a statement of the acknowledgment of the authority of Don Miguel in the kingdom of Angola, and a long article......

The King Of Spain Has Declared Cadiz A Free 'port,

in the most unlimited sense, to all powers iii amity with him. The privileges to traders are ample, and might, if there were no counteracting circumstances, make this forsaken......

France.—the Chamber Of Deputies Have Been Engaged In...

titions respecting the religious congregations and Missions in the interior. The former subject, the congregations, was disposed of by passing to the order of the day ; but the......