14 MARCH 1958, page 25

Room To Swing. By Ed Lacy. (boardman, 10s. 6d.) The

private eye , is a Negro, patronised by the self-conscious liberals of Manhattan, kicked around when he reaches the Kentucky, border, and framed for a murder into the bargain.'......

A Child.


The Black Mirror. By Ben Benson. (collins, 10s. 6d.) A

flood and the State police converge on small, corrupt New England gambling town. Quite brilliantly brisk account of how a town can go rotten-and how exciting the cleaning-up.......

The Masculine Intelligence

Peninsula. Edited by Charles Causley. (Mac- donald, 10s. 6d.) THE deaths of poets seldom seem to inspire even good fellow-poets to more than tactful pastiche at best, or......

The Double Frame. By Craig Rice. (hammond, 10s. 6d.) Breezy

frivolity in which Chicago's Mr. Crook-John J. Malone, the lawyer who takes his breakfast eggs in gin-and assorted Runyonesque evildoers sort out a slight case of murder and the......

New Novels

The Transgressor. By Julian Green. (Heinemann, 15s.) Home From the Hill. By William Humphrey. (Chatto and Windus, 16s.) The Mark of the Warrior. By Paul Scott. (Eyre and......

It's A Crime

Marion. By John Bingham. (Gollancz, 12s. 6d.)' Sadistic killer of nice young women crosses path of another man's unfaithful wife. London and Sussex setting; matter-of-fact in......

Death Against The Clock. By Anthony Gilbert. (collins,...

Mr. Crook, a shady lawyer, is just in time with his proof that it was not the young spiv under sentence of death who had done in the old lady : he has to move fast to see that......

Run For Cover. By John Welcome. (faber, 12s. 6d.) Fast

cars, gun-play, and canasta on the. Cote d'Azur, background for the better-bred British four-letter men, where a gentleman-rider tangles with a very upper-middle-class renegade.......

Arbiter Nugarum

SUPPOSEDLY a volume of reminiscence, this little book is in fact a series of homilies based on Mr. Harding's experience of various occupations- Occupations which include......

Uncommon Cold. By E. H. Clements. (hodder And Stoughton,...

6d.) Preposterous plot about Soviet agents let loose in English seaside town is a disappointment from the talented author of Chairlift, but admirers will salvage some agree-......