14 NOVEMBER 1896, page 2

If Any One Wants To Know Why Spain Cannot Keep

her colonies he should read the correspondence from Hong-kong published in the Times of Friday, p. 9. The Spaniards in the Philippines, aware of their feebleness and of the......

The East Bradford Election Ended In The Return Of Captain

Greville (Conservative) by a majority of 395 over the Glad- stonian candidate, Mr. A. Billson.. The numbers were Captain Greville, 4,921; Mr. A. Billson, 4,526; and Mr. Keir......

An Extraordinary Debate Occurred In The French Chamber On...

upon the conduct of English missionaries in Algeria. M. Saint Germain, Deputy for Oran, complained that English missionaries had told the Kabyles that if England had Algeria she......

The Times' Correspondent At New York Is Evidently Of...

that the American Government hesitates about Cuba, but that public opinion will force it to take some steps towards either the enfranchisement or the annexation of the island.......

Mr. John Morley Has Been Speaking During The Past Week

in Scotland. He began at Glasgow yesterday week, with a general review of the situation, in which he maintained, with the Irishman, that he and his party "were in a majority all......

On Foreign Policy, Again, Mr. Morley Was Most Courageous. He

declared that Egypt is a source of weakness to us,— whether it be so or not, it is certainly a source of unalloyed blessing to the valley of the Nile,—and concluded by......

The New Lord Mayor Denies The Report That He Intends

to raise a million sterling for the London hospitals, and we are glad to see the denial. The older hospitals will benefit like other great landlords by the rise in the price of......

From Glasgow Mr. Morley Travelled To The Montrose Burghs,...

on Tuesday at Montrose, and on Wednes- day at Brechin. The former speech had little independent interest. But in his speech at Brechin he showed that his mind was fall of the......