14 OCTOBER 1916, page 3

The Three Biggest Of The British Ships Were The Strathdene

(4,321 tons), the 'West Point' (3,847 tons), and the Stephan() (3,449 tens). The Dutch ship was the Bloomersdijk ' (4,850 tons), and the Norwegian was the 'Christian Knudsen'......

Those Are Words Which Even The Most Prejudiced And Unjust

and the most pessimistic of the Prime Minister's critics should surely find it impossible to regard as unsatisfactory or as hedging. Mr. Asquith's survey of the war was a......

Before We Leave Mr. Asquith's Speech We Must Summarize Some

of the figures quoted by him. Up till now, and including the Vote of Wednesday night, Parliament has voted something like £3,132,000,000. The daily average cost of the war is......

The List Of Defects Is A Very Long One. General

von Arnim says that the Staffs of the Higher Command "proved inadequate in actual fighting." There is need of more machine guns, and the General considers the heavy German......

Unfortunately We Cannot Find Space To Follow The Details Of

the debate, but we must draw attention to Sir Edward Carson's touching allusion to Mr. Asquith's loss of his son. He spoke of "the deep sympathy and affection which we felt......

The Papers Of Friday Week Contained Summaries Of A...

by General Sixt von Arnim, commanding the Fourth German Corps, on the Somme fighting during July. This document, which was captured during one of our advances, is the most......

But This Request To Us Makes It Essential That A

similar request inould be made to the Germans. But what if they refuse where we complied ? In truth, every circumstance seems to contribute embarrassment and difficulty for the......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Mr. Asquith Moved

a supplementary Vote of Credit for three hundred millions for war purposes in a speech which is universally admitted to have been one of the most impressive and eloquent that......

The Particular Passage Is So Important As Well As So

eloquent and moving that we must quote it in full :— " The strain which the war imposes on ourselves and our Allies, the hardsliips which we freely admit it involves to some of......

We Have Dealt At Length Elsewhere With The Situation That

has arisen owing to the sudden outbreak of submarine activity off the coast of the United States. Here we must briefly chronicle the fact that on Saturday last the German......

Bank Rate. 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

July 13th*......

Mr. Wilson Continued :—

" When you are asked arc you not willing to fight, reply 'Yes,' but that you aro waiting for something worth fighting for. You are looking for that sort of quarrel within the......