14 OCTOBER 1922, page 3

When The Greeks Landed In May, 1919, They Proceeded Beyond

the limits assigned to them, whereupon disorders broke out, the town of Aidin was burnt, and half of the line was taken over and used by the Turkish Nationalists as a means of......

The Church C Opened On Tuesday At Sheffield, When The

Archbishop of Yorajpreached in the Cathedral. His concern was with the present generation, which is suffering so violently from disillusionment. He said, in part : " Men want a......

Judging By Sir William Boyd Dawkins's Account In The Man-

chester Guardian last Tuesday, the Manchester Corporation's scheme for securing to the city a sufficient water supply has overcome the objections raised by those who feared for......

We Read In The Times Of Thursday That Contrary To

Article XV. of the Armistice Agreement of 1918 the Turks last Saturday requisitioned the Smyrna-Aidin railway, which is a British property, together with £280,000 worth of......

The 1 , 17 Scout Rally At Alexandra Palace Last Saturday Was

a most impressive and thrilling demonstration. Organized as a " Posse of Welcome " to the Prince of Wales as Chief Scout of Wales were 60,000 Wolf Cubs, Boy Scouts and Sea......

A Correspondent Has Sent Us A Most Interesting Article...

written in L'Arte by Signor Adolfo Venturi. The article describes a very beautiful bas-relief carving in stone of tho Madonna and Child, which was bought in 1897 by Mr. G. B.......

In November, 1913, The Field, Adopting Mr. Dibblee's...

published an article attributing the work to Leonardo. There is naturally a wholesome scepticism among most people about such bold attributions. They remember Herr Bode's......

We Fancy That The Gaiety Of Nations Would Be Rather

increased than otherwise if our liners were to adopt the old smuggling practice of sinking their surplus stock of drinks attached to buoys outside Sandy Hook and fishing them up......

Much Excitement Is Said To Have Been Caused Amongst The

owners of the great passenger lines trading with the United States, and among those who travel by them, by the opinion of the United States Attorney-General, Mr. Daugherty, that......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 3i Per Cent.

July 1:3, 1922; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 100; Thursday week, 1004 ; a year ago, 89i.......