15 APRIL 1960, page 18


Children of the God's By DAVID CAIRNS I had an invigorating taste of the Covent Garden gods the other day when I bought a ticket in the gallery slips, far above Lord Drogheda's......

Subsidised Parking?

SIR. - May I take issue with Mr. Gavin Lyall, who criticises the Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Bill on the ground that it does not provide for Treasury grants to be paid to......

Sir,—on Behalf Of The Younger Dons In This Univer- Sity,

may I assure Cyril Ray that a taste for vintage port is by no means confined to 'old codgers'?- Yours faithfully,......

Idle Articles Help Refugees

SIR,---May I draw your readers' attention to a way in which items lying idle in their homes can be made to help World Refugee Year? Here in Oxford we have run for ten years a......