15 AUGUST 1896, page 2

The Most Interesting Of All Li Hung Chang's Visits Was,

how. ever, that paid to the Bank of England on Tuesday. Here his conversation—through the interpreter—with the Bank of 1c:: was taken down by reporters, and specially by the......

In New York On Wednesday, At Madison Square Garden, Mr.

Bryan made his formal appearance as the Democratic candidate. He denied that his platform was a menace to private security or that its supporters were the foes of social order......

It Really Looks As If The Matabele Rebellion Were At

an end. When, on Sunday last, Colonel Baden-Powell took a column into the Matoppos, be found them deserted by the natives. All the impis had broken up and gone, and there were......

The House Of Lords Assembled Yesterday Week In Much Less

bellicose attitude towards the Irish Land Bill; and Lord Lansdowne's new clause as to the cutting of turf by tenants was read. It provided that when the tenant had enjoyed the......

We Are Glad To Record That The Persistent Rumours That

the South African Committee would not be appointed this Session have come to nothing, though the Irish Members did their best to make them true. On Tuesday night, when the......

Sir• William Harcourt, However, Could Not Resist The...

to score off the Government by alluding to the fact that he had come to the agreement with the Leader of the House,. "whom he was surprised not to see present." Mr. Chamber-......

It Seems Finally Settled That The Czar Is To Visit

Paris some- time about the 6th or 10th of October—the police responsible for his safety naturally do not care to be too precise as to dates —and the Paris newspapers are getting......

On Saturday Li Hung Chang Visited The Statue Of General

Gordon, and as a mark of respect to his old friend placed on the pedestal a wreath of China asters. The ceremonial observed, which was witnessed by a considerable crowd, was......