15 AUGUST 1952, page 22

A Fine Craftsman

ANYONE who is interested in the artistic crafts should try to save up for, scrounge, beg or borrow—presumably not steal—a copy of this delightful illustrated record of Laurence......

Irish Background - ;

Three Great Irishmen—Shaw, Yeats, Joyce. By Arland Ussher. (Gollancz. 12s. 6d.) Three Great Irishmen—Shaw, Yeats, Joyce. By Arland Ussher. (Gollancz. 12s. 6d.) THE title of Mr.......

Two French 'novelists

The Living and the Lost. By Michel Zeraffa. (Bodley Head. I5s.) Count d'Orgel Opens the Ball was first published in the French original in 1924, a year after the death of......

Secret Agent In Norway

MOST boys instinctively enjoy playing at pirates, and the readiness with which Mr. Olsen and his friends—all barely in their twenties—took to sabotage and spying probably......