15 AUGUST 1970, page 23


From Dr Elizabeth Tylden, Dr Peter I. Smith, L. E. Weidberg, Nicholas Davenport, Maurice Ashley, I. R. Archer, F. W. Cole- man, N. M. Spyrou, George Reichardt, R. E. Williams,......

And Providence His Guide

Sir: In his review of Dr Hill's God's Eng- lishman (8 August) Maurice Ashley says that he gets the impression that Cromwell was 'trying to act as a conciliator between all the......

Gas Attack

Sir: George Hutchinson misses the point in his 'Snectator's notebook' of I August when he asks, naively, 'Is it right to go on using cs gas in Northern Ireland?' Soldiers—I used......

Television Cricket

Sir: We have a great deal of television criticism but virtually no criticism of television (the basic principles on which in this country it is run and the minimum service it......

Tribal Lore

Sir: Denis Brogan (1 August) suggests differ- ent races may have different intellectual equipment and, as an example, declares, 'I cannot think of many or perhaps any abso-......

On Foaming At The Mouth

Sir: I found Brian Crozier's 'Personal column' (8 August) most interesting, the more so as, oddly enough, I had used the same phrase to describe the typical leftist reaction to......

Publication Date

Sir: The letter from Mr Allen (8 August) on publication dates interested me. About six weeks ago I inquired from a bookshop con- cerning a book shortly to be published. A......

In The Grip Of The System

Sir: You may be interested to know that on the Monday morning following publication of my article on the Giro (I August), I re- ceived my Giro Card by registered mail. In these......

Snectator's Notebook

Sir: Mr Booker (8 August) is particularly fortunate to be able to consider St James's Park as his 'back garden', and I agree with him when he finds 'the ducks, too, are a......