15 FEBRUARY 1952, page 2

Progress At Panmunjom

The Communist proposal that a " high-level " conference should be held three months after the signing of an armistice to discuss the withdrawal of foreign troops and other......

Misgivings In Paris

All the suggestions that M. Schuman has so far been able to offer on the problem of German participation in Western defence have about them an air of improvisation, and even of......

News Of The Week

Anxiety in Bonn The storm over the conditions the Germans are making— or, in the language of much of the Press, the blackmail they are levying—in return for the provision of......

A Policy Of Provocation

In view of the supreme importance of keeping British and American foreign policy as closely in line as possible it is very necessary to know how far such personalities as Mr.......

New Chapter. In Malaya

" I could win this war in three months if I could get two- thirds of the people on my side," General Templer is reported to have told senior Civil Servants in Kuala Lumpur, soon......