15 JULY 1865, page 22

The Westminster Review, July, 1865.—" Heavy As Usual" Is The

never failing sentence which this periodical extorts. We have a lengthy paper on "Auguste Comte's Later Speculations," on "Political Eco- nomy," and "Mr. Herbert Spencer's......

Christ And His Salvation. By Horace Bushnell, D.d....

else we need from abroad, it certainly is not printed sermons, as the Anglican practice of preaching written essays have made our literature richer in this kind of production......

The Parallel Arithmetic. By W. H. Wingate....

this arithmetic is founded on the dislike which the author has found boys to have to proving their sums. They suspect the first opera- tion to be incorrect and know the proof......

Poems. By H. Major. (william Freeman.)—mr. Major's...

a dramatic poem on " Jephthah," a subject not well chosen, because the motives of the actors are quite foreign to modern ideas, and can in no way be made such as we can fully......

Camp And Cantonment. By Mrs. Leopold Paget. (longman And...

—This lady is the wife of an artillery officer, who accompanied her hus- band to India in 1857, and spent two years in that country. She has produced a pleasant volume of......

Marriages. Of View He Has Produced A Most Entertaining And

original book. The key to his view of moderifgeology is to be found at the end of tho The main interest of the story is over by this time, though third chapter, where he defines......

The Edinburgh Review, July, 1865. The Quarterly Review,...

—There is a curious parallelism in the subjects of the papers which make up our two principal Quarterlies, which shows very plainly how fixed and uniform a groove they have......

King Lear. By The Rev. Hunter, M.a. (longman.)—another Of...

Hunter's excellent little editions for students. The notes are short, simple, and to the purpose, and the play is prefaced by a selection of criticisms by Coleridge, Schlegel,......