15 JULY 1916, page 19

- Agriculture After The War. By A. D. Hall, F.r.s.

(J. Murray. 3s. 6di net.)—Mr. Hall has given and taken a great deal of evidence upon British agriculture, and here he sets out the sum of his conclusions upon the immediate......

We Have Already Noticed The Issues Of America-latina,-the...

illustrated periodical conducted with great ability in the interests of the Entente Powers by its founder, Mr. Benjamin Barrios. The number for June 1.503. contains ,a study of......

Royal Palaces Ancl,gardene. By Mime Nixon. With An...

by Dion Clayton Calthrop. (A. and C. Black. 20s. net.)—" I have often dreamed that I have met a king," so Mr. Calthrop begins his introductory chapter, and then takes his......