14 JUNE 1945, page 13

Dear Milk And Poor"

SIR, —The contribution entitled "Dear Milk and Poor," published in your issue of May 4, 5945, shows an amazing lack of knowledge of the veterinary profession and the tremendous......

Victor And Vanquished

SIR, —During the last few years Victor Gollancz, Limited, has caused many of our bookstalls to be adorned—if that be the right word—with slim yellow-jacketed booklets containing......

Dent Stry And The State

SIR, —In his recent electioneering broadcast the ex-Secretary of State for Scotland laid great emphasis upon the necessity of State control of medi- cine in order to produce a......

• Britain And Buchenwald

Sts,-1 wrote explicitly in my pamphlet, in the hope that there could be no possible misunderstanding: "By accusing the ordinary Englishman I put in its most extreme form the......