15 JUNE 1951, page 2

Lessons From Italy

No country with an active and powerful Communist party— and France is the most obvious analogy—can afford to ignore the lessons which were propounded in the first round of the......

The Vanished Diplomatists

Among the mass of possibilities surrounding the disappearance of the two Foreign Office officials is the possibility that the incident is of no great importance. Mr. Burgess was......

The Advance In Korea

The capture by the 8th Army of an important enemy supply base in the Chorwon area has been the main feature of recent operations in Korea. All along the front—which was visited......

Negotiations ?

In the last few days British and Persians have been moving slightly nearer to each other—geographically, if not in sentiment. Thus four directors of the Anglo-Iranian Oil......

Doctor's Mandate In France ?

The new electoral law imposes on next week's general election in France an appearance of tidiness which has not been usual in the past. In order to take advantage of the......

The Banished Chiefs

The long letter by Tshekedi Khama to which The Times did well to give considerable space last Friday put the writer's case against the sentence of banishment passed on him ably......