15 JUNE 1956, page 27

Country Life

BY IAN NIALL ANOTHER milestone in the progress of the season—the hawthorns are in flower again. There is always something nostalgic in the scents of may, honeysuckle and......

New Novels

LENNOX COOK'S The Lucky Man (Collins, 12s. 6d.), a first Dac I, is something it would be pleasant to meet more often—a (mare or less) proletarian novel written without social......


A supply of greenstuff requires some plan- ning and successional sowings to ensure enough young plants to stock the plot. Brussels sprouts should be planted out now as well as......

Crockett Tails

Davy Crockett, if he was indeed half the man they claim he was, must be turning in his grave to have as his memorial so many moth- eaten skins worn on the heads of small boys.......

Stationers And Censors

THIS learned work, Some Aspects and Prob- lems of London Publishing between 1550 and 1650, by Sir W. W. Greg (Clarendon Press, 21s.), is a reprint of the Lyell Lectures......

The Tolling Belt.

'Man, I heard the fire engine goin' through the village like an express train with the bell ringing and I said, "Well, it gives them some- thin' to do with all that gear they......