15 MARCH 1919, page 1

General Watson, The British Commander In Egypt, Has Lind To

give the Egyptian Nationalists a sharp reminder that there are limits to British patience. Last Saturday, Said Pasha Zaghlul, Limit Pasha Sidky, Mohamed Pasha Mahmoud, and Named......

The Spartaeus Or Bolshevik Party In Berlin Began Lent With

a general strike and a new insurrection. The correspondents describe the street fighting as severe, and say that the Govern- ment troops under the direction of Herr Noske, the......

Mr. Frank Simonds, The Well-known American Journalist,...

in Paris, stated in last Saturday's Times that the American delegation was favourable to the claim of France for a secure Eastern frontier. Mr. Simonds predicted that France......

News Of The Week.

IIIHE Peace Conference is reported, unofficially, to be nearing the completion of the Peace preliminaries. The corre- spondents in Paris indicate that, at the instance of Mr.......

Mr. Montagu, At A Dinner To Lord Shiba Oil Friday

week ' made the grudging admission that the new Indian reform scheme would, after all, probably invoke communal repre- sentation. He described it as au " unfortunate expedient,"......

It Would Seem That The American Public Is Favourable In

principle to a League of Nations, but that there are wide differ. slices of opinion regarding the details of the scheme drafted in Patio. Mr. Taft, himself a strong supporter of......

The Theory That Germany Is Now Short Of Food And

that hunger is the chief ally of the Spartacus fanatics is strengthened by the latest reports from Paris. But it does not accord with the refusal of the German delegates at Spa......

**. The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when damped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......