15 MARCH 1924, page 14

Save The 'victory' Fund.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sne—With a view to augmenting the fund, Admiral Sturdee has secured the .surplus copper with which the famous vessel was sheathed below the......

The Population Question. [to The Editor Of The...

I refer to "The Problem of Population," by Mr. Harold Cox ? In the chapter entitled" Racial Improvement" he writes as follows : "By the surgical severance of certain -ducts in......


THE SPIDER IN EARLY SPRING. HUNGRY he is, and old, And dreads the draughty cold, Spare is his web, and still The breezes rustle chill, Tlun' his threadbare gown they win hima ;......

The British Empire Exhibition And Somewhere To Sleep. [to...

Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—S0 much has been said in the Press and elsewhere about the difficulty of accommodating visitors to London this summer in connexion with the......

Analysis Of The Labour Party.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I thank " Analyst " for his regrets. As to whether the Jewish Labour Members of Parliament are generally of recent alien origin, I can......

Extracts From Letters.

SIR WALTER RALEIGH MEMORIAL Fur:D.—Lord Balfour, Lord Curzon, Mr. Asquith and others write :—`• Some of the friends of the late Sir Walter Raleigh are collecting a fund in......

"if Thou Kno West What Thou Doest."

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—May I venture to question your interpretation of the verse-from the Codex Bezae--" 0 man, if indeed thou knowest what thou doest," &c.......