15 MAY 1909, page 18

Wanted For England,—a Crusade.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR,"] Sin,—It is remarkable that whenever a centurion is mentioned in the New Testament he has never "a bad mark." I think it is most probable......

Reunion And Intercommunion.

[TO TILE EDITOR OF TILE "EP EOTATOLL. ^ 1 SIR,^ " No such liberal invitation is ever given in Anglican churches" 1! (Spectator, May 8th). "C. S." is confusing want of with......

The Theft Of The Old Sinking Fund.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—From time to time you have pointed out, and with good reason, the great danger of corruption and chicanery which may follow the......

[to Trh Editor Or T " Sp Rauron."] Sin, — I Was

interested in reading a letter to the Spectator of May let written by Mr. C. H. Thompson. The writer and others assume that if it had not been for the armed assistance of their......

The Magpie In 1,010014.

ITO THE EDITOR OF TIME “srRoverott.") Sin,—Probably the magpie seen by your correspondent Mr. W. M. Crook (Spectator, May 8th) is one of a pair that have nested this spring on......

Domestic Science.

[TO TEE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — While acknowledging with much appreciation the great assistance rendered to the cause of the new courses in home science and economics......

[to The Editor Of The " Sprotator.1

Sturge (Spectator, May 8th) naturally refers to the Pennsylvanian tradition, but this requires some modification, not as to the actual length of the peace, but as to the causes......