14 MAY 1942, page 14

Country Life

MANY comparisons have been made of late between the islands of But and Madagascar, which has a much bigger area; but they have no , eluded one strange contrast. At this date, as......

Vansittart Ism

SIR,—Mr. Harold Nicolson's comments on Vansittartism in The Spec-. tator of May 8th seem to me to reflect a very dangerous tendency That is the assumption that there are no......

A Retort Small Children Have Been Working On The Farms

in their holidays a amusing their instructors, if not always pleasing them. One of them. very thin, weedy boy, boasted that he was going into the Navy, u which a companion, not......

Allies Sir, —is It Too Late In The Day To Offer

a plea fru the proper pronunciation of the word " allies "? M:. Churchill, President Roosevelt and the English Dictionary unite in reminding us that the accent is on the last......

In The Garden It Was A Melancholy Experience For A

very efficient grower of cucumbe to be obliged by a drastic order to destroy his go:ants when in full bea ing, in order that he might put in tomatoes. though the plants were not......


More Corrections

SIR, —Most of us, I feel sure, agree with your correspondent, Mr. F. W. Bevan, when he says that Gilbert was such a great comic poet that he deserves to be quoted correctly.......

Sia,—in Your Issue Of May 1st Dean Malden Criticised A

subject dis- cussed under the title of " Is Money the Root of Al! Evil? " Arguing that there had been a scriptural misapprehension involved in the theme, he reminded the......

Sleighing Rats

The latest (and it must be the last to to quoted on this subject) of letters to reach me on the intelligent views of the rat on transport pr lems is the most precise and......

Food Wasters Does Any Deficiency In Our Rural...

more toss of than the paucity of threshing machines• I watched this week I threshing of a stack of wheat which was alive with mice They we almost continously emerging long......