15 NOVEMBER 1946, page 2


If the handling by Yugoslays and Italians of their conflicting claims in the Trieste area is any indication of how they would govern the area, if permitted, there is every case......

Little Progress At Lake Success

The delegates to the United Nations meeting in New York have still not secured a grip on their work. The preliminary skirmish- ing in the committees and the speechmaking in the......

The Spread Of Terrorism

The recent disclosure that Jewish terrorists were preparing to attack persons and property in this country (the original threat having apparently been made some seven weeks ago)......

Sense About Spain

The Minister of State, Mr. Hector McNeil, showed praiseworthy courage in talking straight sense about Spain to a Labour audience at the North Paddington by-election. It is......

American Reshuffle

The next few weeks will be weeks of rapid political and economic change in the United States. It is much too soon to forecast what the outcome will be, except that, this being a......