15 NOVEMBER 2008, page 47

Strength In Numbers

Philip Ziegler M Y T HREE F ATHERS by Bill Patten Public Affairs, £16.99, pp. 352, ISBN 9780571216932 T he mother to m a t c h Bill Patten’s t h r e e fathers was Susan Mary......

T Aking The E Dge O Ff

Training the bellows on a splinter of sparks one early morning of poxed snow a low moon malingering in blue-haggard light and every cell recoiling in the hollow of the year on a......

Tough Love

P.J. Kavanagh A P RICKLY A FFAIR by Hugh Warwick Allen Lane, £14.99, pp. 279, ISBN 978184614065 ✆ £11.99 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 A t a time when most of his fellowmystics......