15 OCTOBER 1904, page 13

The Housing Problem In The Country.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SrD,—I am very far from wishing to place any hindrance in the way of those who are so bravely .trying to solve in their own neighbourhoods......

"our Betters."

[To THE EDITOR or ring "SructirrOR.1 seems strange that English Nonconformists should have such an objection to the word " betters " in the Church of England Catechism, while we......

The Problem Of The Unemployed.

[To THR EDITOR Or Till " SPECrarou."] Snt,—In the midst of this general outcry about the unem- ployed, we are in danger of forgetting two important facts, which are closely......

Cheap Cottages.

[TO TRH EDITOR Or Tay "SPRCTATOR."J SIR,—A little practical experience in cottage-building may be of service. I have built five cottages in a row for 2550, or 2110 apiece. These......