15 SEPTEMBER 1984, page 43


Equilibrium Raymond Keene T T his week I concentrate on notes to the . first Karpov-Kasparov world cham- p i onship game. The bare scores to these games will be appearing in the......

Crossword 675

Virgo by Mass Prize: £10 – or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, 1983 edition (ring the word 'Dictionary' under name and address) – for the first correct solution opened on 1......

Solution To 672: Admiralty E T 3d, 0 41, T E 114

al irlD1 j .,A1 1 ,7 9 .,. T A TIT11...T %1GIALICT T A IR_ ✓ 0 U G Er A R Aril O NNI 1 511111H14INTERNE ERUSALNAEIRWF-FL- OIPEA 0 I C A L E A A I I I A RTLIB IL T A ILIT S E ✓ •......