16 APRIL 1910, page 1

The Course Of Events Would Now Seem To Be Reasonably

clear. The Budget of 1909-10 will go through the House, and the taxes which have not yet been collected under it will be collected as arrears. The next step will be the......

Mr. Asquith Began His Statement By Reiterating The Albert...

pledge. 'Unless the Resolutions were carried into legisla- tive enactment, the Government would be impotent. "If the Lords fail to accept our policy or decline to consider it......

Mr. Balfour, Who Followed Mr. Asquith, Pointed Out That The

Budget was the price of the agreement, an agreement which left both parties poorer than they were :— " The Irish Party are going to accept a Budget they dislike, and are going......

Mr. Balfour Went On To Point Out The Great Danger

which arose from a Prime Minister anticipating advice to the Crown by months, and announcing to the House of Commons and the country that in certain unknown and undetermined......

Unless, Then, There Is Another Alteration Of Plans, Which...

Redmond can, we think, be depended- upon not to allow, Mr. Asquith, as soon as the Lords have dealt with the Resolutions, will go to the King with the advice he has indicated in......

*i T * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


News Of The Week.

T HE chief event of the week was the Prime Minister's statement on Thursday night, in which he announced his complete surrender to Mr. Redmond. In his Albert Hall speech just......

From The Point Of View Of Parliamentary And Political...

we feel compelled to take off our hat to Mr. Redmond. He, at any rate, has shown firmness and determination, and has compelled obedience to his will. For a leader who can......