16 DECEMBER 1876, page 3

The Times Published On Wednesday An Abstract Of An Account

of the population of the world annually prepared by Drs. Behm and Wagner, and published by Perthes, from which it appears that the population in 1876 may be taken at......

Mr. Coe Had A Three Years' Engagement, On £10 A

week, as stage-manager at the Haymarket, from Mr. Sothern and Mr. Bunkstone, when he was suddenly dismissed by Mr. Sothern. He therefore claimed damages from Mr. Sothern, and......

Mr. Roebuck, In Relation To This Eastern Question, Is On

the side of Lord Beaconsfield, though Lord Beaconsfield appears in this case to be not so much "on the side of the angels" as on the side of the demons. At Fishmongers' Hall on......

The "joseph Hume" Scholarship For Proficiency In...

of £20 a year for three years,—at University. College, London, has this year been gained by a lady, Miss Eliza Orme. Even Shakespeare, though he ventured to draw a picture of a......

An Interesting Point Of Law Was Decided On Thursday, Because

apoint of law which will affect the willingnesa of every honest man tcr.give evidence in a Court of justice. Mr. Netherelift, the expert in..handwritings, had affirmed in a......

At The Mansion House Yesterday Week, Sir G. Nares Admitted

that he had not provided the sledge expeditions in his Arctic voyage with a ration of lime-juice for each man, but had provided only -enough for use as an occasional medicine,......

Mr. R. H. Scott, Director Of The Meteorological Office, Gave

an interesting lecture on Monday at the London Institution on "Weather Knowledge." After mentioning that individuals greatly dependent on weather sometimes appeared to......

Consols Were On Friday 93i- To 94.
