16 DECEMBER 1882, page 13


AT THE GARRICK CLUB. Dissolve frigus, heap the logs ; I hate these chill December fogs, The hard-bound earth, the dreary sky, The torpor as if death were nigh. What shadows fill......

The Birds And The Church Decorations. [re The Editor Of

THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,---Will not you, who have so warmly espoused the cause of 'animals, plead for the poor birds, before our Christmas decora- tions have robbed them of all......

Mr. Cotterill On The Study Of Poetry.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " (SPECTATOR:1 ‘Sfa,—To be denounced for heretical views on the subject of poetry is a serious matter. I will not add to my offences the arch-heresy of......

Mr. St. George Stock's Book.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SpEonTori.."] Sin,, — While thanking you for having taken notice of my book, I can scarcely thank you for the manner in which you have noticed it. First,......

Metropolitan Association For Befriending Young Servants.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SrEursTort."J Sia,—May I call your attention to the claims of this Society, the Central Office of which is at 14. Grosvenor Road, Westminster ? From......

Harington History:

[To THE EDITOR OF TILE " SPEOTATO11..1 Sin,—The critic of Mrs. Halliday's book on the " Porlock Monuments," in your issue of November 18th, remarks that,— " If Harington......