16 DECEMBER 1899, page 12

The Revival Of Falconry.

A T Valkensvaard Heath during the autumn migration of this year, the Dutch hawk catchers were unable to take enough falcons on passage to meet the orders of their English and......

"why The Natives Are Loyal.

SIR,—I keenly appreciate your just and generous tribute to the loyalty of natives during this fierce crisis of English rule in South Africa. It is the first real test of the......

Journalists As Debaters. [to The Editor Op The "...

SIR ' —I gladly acknowledge the debt I owe to the two editors of the Spectator, who week after week nearly forty years ago enforced the two conclusions you recall, which were......

Letters To The Editor.

NATIVE OPINION IN SOUTH AFRICA. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am venturing to send you the copy of a letter, which was published a few days ago in the Natal......