16 DECEMBER 1916, page 13

The Scottish Women's Hospitals.

[To THE Barron or ens "Srzerama.") you please accept my sincerest thanks and appreciation for the most valuable help you have given the Scottish Women's Hospitals through the......

The Scottish Women's Serbian Hospital Fund. We Have...

the above Fund the sums of £10 from Charles B. Dunn, Esq., and of £5 from J. S. Cooper, Fin., making a total of £208 17s. 6d.......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communs- caged," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......

" Bury Or Burn."

Tna article under the above heading, dealing with the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnic d6bris, which appeared in our issue......

A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sie,—In a notice of my book, Denmark and Sweden, in your issue of November 18th, you say of it : " which of course includes Norway, although......


DECEMBER, 1916. 0 GOD of battles, o'er the din of war Hear us we pray, the wives of those who lie Slain on the ravaged fields of France; who gave Themselves for England, freely......

"a Student In Arms."

Tag leading article in the Spectator on the death of Lieutenant Hankey and his article " Don't Worry " have been republished as a leaflet by Messrs. W. Speaight and Sons, 98-99......


LONDON REVISITED.• Mn. E. V. LUCAS'S new book about London is like a string of beads— no, pearls. Perhaps we should say beads and pearls mixed. There are a great many things on......

" Christ In Flanders."

()vireo to the large and continued demand for copies of the poem entitled " Christ in Flanders," which appeared in our issue of September 11th, 1915, it has now been reprinted......

Central Goods Clearing-houses.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SHI,—In your friendly notice of Mr. Roy Horniman's book. How to Make the Railways Pay for the War, there is a somewhat important Inaccuracy......