16 FEBRUARY 1924, page 9

So Often We In Europe Regard America As Consisting Of

none but the two or three million well-informed Americans who frequently visit Europe, and we are apt to accept the views of leading Eastern papers such as the New York Times,......


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH, T 11ERE has been much speculation as to what Labour's policy concerning India will be. Will Labour give full Swaraj, or......

An Exceptionally Interesting Debate Concerning India's...

in the Legislative Assembly at Delhi last week. Mr. Rangachariar, moderate, advocated the, appointment of a Royal Commission for the revision of the Government of India Act in......

I Believe That Labour's Policy Will Be Found To Be

cautious, but at the same time sympathetic, with India's aspirations for a further instalment of self-government. Labour will, I believe, uphold the Montagu-Chehnsford reforms......

The Spectator Contained An Extraordinarily Interesting...

Britain and America" from California, a letter which should be pondered by all who are interested in the problem of English-speaking rela- tionships. Mr. Wingate, the......

A Fifteenth-century Impostor.

K AMPEN is a small seaport on the eastern shore of the Zuider Zee, celebrated not only for its great church of St. Nicholas, whose magnificence witnesses to its commercial......

The Unknown Factor Of The Situation Is The Intentions Of

Mr. Gandhi. Will he take the hint given by the Prime Minister in his recent message to India, or will he, when he has sufficiently recovered from his recent ill-health, embark......