16 FEBRUARY 1934, page 19


HEAVEN, through the storm-rent skies of time revealing Visions designed by man's death-fearing mind To hallow his carnal heritage with healing. Heaven, the last word Upon their......

Poisons For Sale

'[To' the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] SIR,--AS Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Society, Mr. Linstead is Presumably familiar with the - Poisons and Phar- macy Acts ; hut one Would......

Japanese Expansion

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Stn,-4n your last issue you say "Britain is not the only overcrowded country looking questioningly at her empty spaces. To her [Australia's]......

Mr. Elliot's Schemes

[To the Editor Of THE SPECTATOR.] write to correct myself. In reciting the list of activities of the Ministry of Agriculture under Mr. Elliot I inadvertently included one or two......

A Swallow's Larder

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—IS it not possible that the "wingless house flies," found beneath a swallow's wings by Sir W. Beach Thomas' working-man friend, were in......

Maladjustment In Industry

. - tTo -the -Editor of- THE SPECTATOR.] Sta, = As far as I am able to follow Lord Tavistoek's letter in your issue of - January 28th, the arguntents he adduces are limed on the......

Mr. Bernard Shaw

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I venture to suggest that to some listeners Mr. Shaw's broadcast speech the other night. was far from being boring ? So many wireless......

German Refugees

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I bring to the notice of your readers that Huberman, the violinist, is generously giving a recital in aid of the German Refugees'......