16 FEBRUARY 1940, page 21

Liquor In War-time

SIR,—Dr. Vemon's article on Liquor in War-Time shows such a lack of grasp of all but the statistics of the subject that I feel sustained to take up the cause of the poor who......

The Incomes Of The Clergy

Sut,—I am not concerned to criticise or justify the disparity between clerical incomes, but the letter of Mr. H. W. Pearson on this subject in your last issue but one ought not......

The Ethics Of Hunting

SIR,— Since the outbreak of war there has been much dis- cussion in the Press as to whether fox-hunting should be restricted, or even abolished, in the interests of poultry-......

Must Confess That I Have Read Sir Evelyn Wrench's Article

on " The Moral Front," in your issue of February 9th, with pronounced misgiving. Sir Evelyn quotes certain ascetic practices adopted by fanatical young Nazis, such as the......

Anti-christian Teaching

SiR,—In a review of The Art of Preaching in The Spectator of February 2nd, Miss Dorothy L. Sayers writes: " We are bom- barded, six days of the week, with definitely......

The Moral Front

SIR,—In his article, " The Moral Front," Sir Evelyn Wrench compares the energy of the young Nazi with the apathy of the young Christian, and asks : " . . are we ready to give a......

Sir,—mr. Robertson Scott Dismisses The £150,000,000 (an...

the revenue from liquor taxation on the ground that it comes from the public. So does Income Tax. Your readers may like to be told what a plain citizen said in my hearing last......