16 JANUARY 1847, page 1

News Of The Week.

S/11. ROBERT PEEL'S pupil and follower, Lord Lincoln, has been making a declaration of his political views to the electors of Man- chester; some of whom have invited him to be a......

A Fatal Pettiness Of Action In The English Protectionist So-

cieties evinces the actual decay of the party. The schism on the question of the Malt-tax is not only suffered to be visible, but members of the party have fallen to bickering......

The Speech Of King Louis Philippe; On Opening The Oren&

Chambers, judged by the general standard of royal speeches, is not a very satisfactory indication as to the state of official feeling in France. The hackneyed assurances of......

The Committee Of Irish Landlords In Dublin Has Issued A

sche- dule of resolutions, which were to have been submitted at a general . meeting on Thursday last ; and reports of the pro- ceedings will probably arrive in time for notice......