16 JANUARY 1892, page 3

The Chilian Government Is Anxiously Endeavouring To Con-...

of the United Stites. The roughs who attacked Ainerictrn sailors have been severely punished, the rebels who took refuge in the American Legation have been allowed to oscape,......

In His Speech To His Birmingham Oonstitnents On...

Home Secretary (Mr. Henry Matthews) denied altogether the claim of Ireland to a distinct national genius and life " He denied that Lord Roberts and Lord Wolseley were of a......

Mr. Matthews Also Made Some Remarks On The Occupation Of

Egypt. He said that since our occupation, justice had been better administered in Egypt than at any time since the days of Moses. Did he perhaps mean the days of Joseph P We......

The Turks Announced Recently That They Had Suppressed The...

in Yemen ; but they admit that it has broken out again, and the intelligence is confirmed by news from Aden, where they ought to know everything that happens in South Arabia,......

Mr. Whitley's Death On Thursday, From Bronchitis, Vacates...

for the Everton Division of Liverpool, and deprives the Conservative Party in that great borough of its ablest and most popular leader. The seat, however, is safe enough. Mr.......

Bank Bate, 31 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 95i.......

The Municipal Council Of The City Of Oxford Have Unani-

mously accepted the proposal made by the Duke of Norfolk, in the name of the sub-committee appointed to determine on the best site for the proposed statue to Cardinal Newman,......

It Is Not Quite Easy To Follow This Remarkable Piece

of prac- tical logic. Supposing that in future years a statue is erected to Mr. Gladstone within a hundred yards and in " immediate eight" of the statue of Lord Beaconsfield at......

Nevertheless, And In Spite Of The Unanimity Of The Municipal

body to whom the proposal was made, a feeble protest has been pub forth by Mr. Harman Keble in the Times of Tuesday, and by Canon Lice in the Times of Wednesday, on grounds of......