16 JANUARY 1948, page 14

Hindsight In India

Snt,—Brigadier Desmond Young's recent two articles on India published in your paper were so fair, so sound and so clearly expressed that the criticisms and comments of Mr.......

The Rugby Headmastership

Sta,—Was not contributor Janus thinking with the right head when he eipreSsed misgiving about the appointment of " a leading London solicitor " as head master of Rugby ; and......

Dollars And The Local Press

SiR,—In your issue of January 9th Janus refers to the almost universal protest against the abolition of the petrol ration ; and quite rightly adds that the Government has never......

4 , Freedom" In. Eastern Europe?

Snt,—Your leading article in the January 9th issue entitled The Reply to Russia states, among other things, that Soviet Communism " has engineered the establishment of a......

Letters To The Editor

THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST do not wish to be drawn into a theological controversy, which is beyond my province. But I cannot let Mr. Trevor Dyer's letter pass without asking your......