16 JUNE 1917, page 1

It Was Because The King Showed The Extraordinary...

his sympathy with the sufferings that have to be borne in these days that his visits to the injured on Wednesday were so deeply appreciated. His Majesty had a very important......

In A Country Town, Even In A Large Country Town,

warning is quite practicable and desirable. But to bring the -life of London to a temporary standstill is another matter altogether. Would it be helpful in any way for Edgware......

A Daylight Air Raid On London Took Place On Wednesday

at 11.30 a.m., and lasted about a quarter of an hour. Wo regret to record heavy casualties-97 killed and 439 injured. The raiding squadron, which numbered probably fifteen......

This Was The First Raid By Aeroplanes To Reach Lenl.don.

On a. previous occasion only a single German aeroplane had dropped some bombs. London, for the most part, treated the raid as a spectacle. Hundreds of thousands of persons......

The First Result Of The Battle Was That The Ypres

Salient ceased to exist. We wiped it out and established a straight line. But the memories of that Salient are immortal. Legend and wonder will never cease to play with the name......

On Several Successive Days After The First Onset, General...

who had managed the whole attack, gained more ground piecemeal. All the German counter-attacks were beaten off with heavy loss to the enemy. Sir Douglas Haig, in a generous......

We Must Expect Many More, And Perhaps Larger, Raids. It

may be that the communications of the Anti-Aircraft Service can be improved. If so, the public will wish that it should be done speedily, but their attitude on Wednesday......

The Attack Was Launched About Three O'clock In The Morning

of Thursday week, and was signalized by the explosion of a gigantic system of mines. The engineers with their skilled miners bad been tunnelling for months. This tremendous......

News Of The Week.

T HE victory on the Messines Ridge, which we could do no more than barely record as we went to press last week, was the greatest offensive achievement of British arms in the......

The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The...

give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......