16 MARCH 1945, page 13

War Memorials

Sia,—Soon after the Great War, a movement was set on foot in Lancaster to found a War Memorial Village on a site near the L.M.S. Railway Station in this city. It was designed by......

The Gosaba Experiment

Sia,—Arising out of Mr. Wakinshaw's interesting letter in your issue of March 9th, in introducing his one rupee currency note, Sir Daniel Hamilton had two things in mind. (t) He......

Relations With , Spain

Sta,—Dr. Brandt's revealing article on German activities in Spain and Spanish America is pedlar the best comment upon Mr. Loveday's astonishing and self-contraaictory apologia......

Sir,—may I Express My Wholehearted Agreement With Mr....

that Spaniards should be allowed to choose their own Govern- ment without dictation from abroad, because if this had been done instead of allowing Hitler's and Mussolini's......

"a New Plan For India"

Sra.,—It is a good omen that Sir Zafrulla Khan's contribution to the discussion of the Indian political problem ins been so widely and so Warmly welcomed. He has the support of......