16 MARCH 1962, page 11

Sir Charles Snow, Dr. F. R. Leavis, And The Two

CULTURES The reaction to our publication last week of ihe full text of Dr. Leavis's Richmond lecture was quick and copious. We publish below a small sample. It will be......

Dame Edith Sitwell I Read With An Entire Lack Of

interest, but some surprise, Dr. F. R. Leavis's non-stop and male- volent attack on Sir Charles Snow in your last issue. I read to the end of this attack solely because I could......

J. D. Scott 'strange, How Desire Doth Outrun Performance'...

Beetle quoted after being flogged by Mr. King. C. P. Snow might quote with him: Dr. Leavis's stereotyped lunges of anti-Americanism, hi3 little bits of gossip, half-catty and......

Lord Boothby It Is Fascinating To Learn From Dr. Leavis

that he made T. S. Eliot a key figure, and D. H. Lawrence a great writer. In the Twenties some of us foolishly imagined that they did it for themselves. It would be interesting......

Susan Hill I Feel That So Many Obvious Flaws In

F. R. Leavis's lecture on C. P. Snow ought not to pass unnoticed. No doubt Leavis would apply a simi- lar sort of criticism to a student's essay. 1. Leavis values criticism as......