16 MAY 1896, page 2

On The Day After The Great Division In Which Sir

William Harcourt did not address the House of Commons, the Leader of the Opposition fled into West Monmouthshire, where he found amongst his constituents a more appreciative......

A Banquet Was Given On Tuesday By The Metropolitan Division

of the National Union of Conservative and Consti- Antional Associations in honour of her Majesty's Ministers, at -which Mr. Balfour spoke. He commented on the singular victory......

On Tuesday Mr. Acland Spoke, And Spoke In A Very

much more moderate tone than most of his supporters. His best point was that when the Education Authority established schools of its own, it would not be competent also to......

The Government Has Ordered A Force From India To Be

sent to Suakin. It will consist of the 35th Sikhs, the Nth Punjab Infantry, the 1st Bombay Lancers, the 5th Bom- bly Mountain Battery, and a company of Madras Sappers, the whole......

The Rinrs' Correspondent At Constantinople Forwards A...

drawn up in cautious and courteous form, is obviously intended to inform the world that the Sultan's mind is seriously affected. The assassination of the Shah threw him into a......

The News From Bulawayo Is Still Favourable, But...

upon the great patrol of six hundred and eighty men which has marched out to bring in Mr. Rhodes and his party from Gwelo. The Matabeles are sure to attack that body, and if......

The Meeting Of The Congregational - Union Held This Week Has

been a very important one from several points of view. In the first place, it shows that at least one denomination of Dissenters has not lost its bigotry, for Mr. Hirst......

The Education Debate Came To An End On Tuesday Night,

after two more nights of rather languid debating. The asserted eagerness of private Members to speak did not show itself in ardent speeches, but for all that there were some......