16 MAY 1992, page 45


A first prize of L20 and two further prizes of L10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......

Solution To 1056: Small Print ' E 'i. A R 0

7 WINIII 1011.00 NPITN 'i M . A T tit E KIN't tRIGANErlitt 'f A r kin . ' All ' Al r E . 2 0 1 . A 4 6 , 1LiAi.L.S.LA . T 3 8 PA A R E L L V o LE RIIVLIGIONPAREIL NITELLIECTUAL......

No. 1730: Spry Struldbrugs

In the USA some people believe that soon the span of human life will be doubled, with little deterioration of the faculties towards the end. You are invited to im- agine a young......


( lx. V A RL 04 PURE HIGHLAND MALT COMPETITION Belloc country Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1727 you were given two lines by A. E. Housman and invited to carry on in your own......