16 OCTOBER 1926, page 35

E Monism Of General Smuts

sm and Evolution. By General the Right Hon. J. C. Smuts. (Macmillan. 18s.) MINENT statesmen have been addicted to Philosophy ever the days of Marcus Aurelius. The earlier......

Political Love

Wimp; William Pitt was forty-six he married Lady 11e4 1 Grenville. He had known her from her girlhood ; ti e Grenvilles were his political allies and his personal frienib But......

. Mr. H. G. Wells

H. G. Wells : Educationist. By F. H. Doughty. (Cape. 5s.: net.) . Wu are astonished that a dull book can be written on Mr. Wells. At least, we should have thought, he is......