16 OCTOBER 1993, page 28


Sir: I must respond to your leader article in the issue of 25 September. I will ignore the rather offensive tone of the article and the many factual errors it . contains, but I......

Sir: I Was Also A Guest At The Recent Torture

Garden 4th Birthday Party but, unlike your correspondent, I saw the best part of 1,000 stunningly dressed and happy people of all sexes determined to have a superb night out. So......

Dying To Know

Sir: Alan Watkins (Diary, 2 October) regrets the death of 'friends and acquain- tances from politics or journalism who failed to reach 60'. His list of names makes me ask if one......

A Lag Writes

Sir: I'm surprised Daisy Waugh found it so hard to get into Holloway CA day in hell, 25 September). All she had to do was com- mit an offence — and get caught. Know what I mean?......

Satisfied Customers

Sir: I was absolutely amazed by the article written by Tabitha Troughton (`The smack of firm governesses', 9 October), about her visit to the Torture Garden club. Why should Ms......

Ars Brevis

Sir: While I was at the Serpentine Gallery recently enjoying the Agnes Martin paint- ings that were so crushingly dismissed in last week's Spectator (Arts, 2 October), a man......