17 APRIL 1909, page 14

[to Tue Burton Of Tum "speotator.1 Sir, —" Un-christian...

Fair Play," writing in your issue of Apri110th, expresses his surprise at a clergy- man, as a Christian, appealing to the manhood of the nation to rise and prepare few defence.......

Letters To The Editor.

" A NEW WAY OF LIFE." [To TOM EINTOM Or TVA " SPECTATOU.1 SIR,—Many are no doubt already deeply impressed by the truth given in the Fortnightly Review, and quoted in your......

Wanted For Engtja.nd,—a Crusade.

[To TUN EDTTOM, OW TRIM " EIWZOTAT0101 Sitt,I am sorry that the Christianity of joining the Terri- torials is not self-evident to "An un-Christian Advocate of Fair Play"......

"love Your En.eules."

[To TUM EDITOR Or Till "SPIOTATOMM SIR, — Your correspondent who signs him.self " An un-Claristial l Advocate of Fair Play" in last week's issue quotes the ahoy! saying, and......