17 DECEMBER 1954, page 18

The Human Situation

S1R,—Mr. Davy may be quite right in suggesting that the secondary effects of atomic warfare are a really new factor, but the subject is so much shrouded in witch- doctors'......

Sir,—may I Please Ask Dr. Ritchie The Following Questions ?

SIR,—May I please ask Dr. Ritchie the following questions ? Why can no value be discovered in a situation unless it is seen against a background to which it is related ? Why......

Managerial Revolution

SIR,—While fully agreeing with Graham Hutton's argument, in your issue of December 3, under the title ' More Skilled Manage- ment,' that in order to near Mr. Butler's target of......

Shall And Will

SIR,—It is good to find Mr. John Betjeman defending the fine old 'buildings of England, but sad to find him among the demolishers of its language. Has he noticed the decline of......

Or Suffering' ? And This Presumably Of Children Under Eleven

and by a teacher who sees them occasionally. As for their lack of response in spiritual matters, may this not be due to natural reticence with a stranger rather than to......

Perpetua Lux

SIR,—My attention has been drawn to Mr, John Betjeman's paragraph ' Naked and Ashamed ' in your issue of November 26. I entirely agree with hint in his horror of., custard tea......

Clean Air

Sig,—'Your correspondent ' Engineer' writes in reply to my article on ' Clean Air' point- ing out how expensive the suggestions that I made may prove to be in practice. I have......