17 JANUARY 1829, page 7

Rationale Of The Game-laws.

MORNING CIIRONICLE—It has never been denied as far as we are aware, that the land and all that is fed on it belong to the nation inhabiting it, and that time right of property......

Phases Of The Wellington Ministry—a Parable.

THE PRESS. TIMES—If, as we cordially wish, the Duke of Wellington's political cha- racter is to pass with posterity for direct and undesigning, the evidence for ceding to him......

Police Of London. Fraudulent Bankrupt:tsb-rc Lee, Was On...

brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having, after his bank- ruptcy, concealed nearly 800/. from his creditors. When asked how he had disposed of this money, he produced......


GLOBE—The economical measures which are to be announced on the opening of Parliament are still the subject of conversation. The proverb of " much cry and little wool" is......

Lord Anglesey's Irish Government—a Simile.

TIMES—Ireland is on all sides petitioning and complaining. The presence of Lord Anglesey, as Lord Lieutenant, was, after the full disclosure of his feelings towards the Catholic......